Barbuda Octor
2nd 1820
I have great
satisfaction in being able to inform you that the weather continues as
favourable as could be wished for, we have had almost constant rains since my
last of the 4th instant in fact sometimes more than I liked, for on
yesterday week there fell in fifteen minutes three & half inches of water;
it came from the North West, but was by no means general; at half a mile
distant from my house both to the South & East not a drop fell. On Friday
night last we had a very general rain, and for a long continuance which is laid
all the low lands under water, but as we have had so long a drought I trust it
will soon be off without doing the Corn any injury; it is now so wet we cannot put
a Hoe into it. These are the heaviest rains we have had since the year 1809,
and as we have a much larger quantity of land planted then was ever before in
this Island I trust the Crops will be proportionate. The Negro Grounds which
are a great help are also looking well, little has been got from them for the
last two years in consequence of the droughts, and the Gail of last year which
destroyed all their fences, and although they were immediately put up, yet it
could not be done so effectually is to prevent that Cattle from frequently
breaking into them.
We had a pretty smart wind on the night of Tuesday last but
not enough to do any injury.
We have now a prospect of an abundant Hay harvest which we
very much want being quite out not having been able to make any the last two
years, and therefore trust you will be good enough to send the Scythes I
mentioned in my last by the first opportunity. As yet it has not been in our
power to do anything to get their Cattle into the enclosures, but as soon as
our Horses gain a little more strength we will endeavour to do so. The Cattle
are picking up as well as I could expect, they were a great many of them very
low, but I am happy to say considering every thing our losses have been
trifling. I was much afraid of the young grass, but we have scarcely lost any
thing since the rains have not in; there is every prospect of more rain but I
shall be glad to dispense with that for the next three or four weeks. The
Negroes are healthy and I trust the water will not lay long enough on the
Ground to effect them. I remain
Your Most Obedient Humble
(signed) John James
Reference: JJ269 Robson Lowe collection on microfilm 24995,
University of Texas at Austin, Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection.
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