Saturday, 6 December 2014

12 Aug 1821

Antigua August 12th 1821
    At the time of writing you last I was about to proceed to the wreck of the Spanish schooner in search of the money said to be on board of her, but after every exertion nothing of the kind could be found, the Cotton &c was brought to this Island & sold; the Cotton sold very low being much damaged the amount if sales about six hundred pounds, one third of which has been awarded for salvage; but before I could finally arrange it I was obliged to return to Barbuda in consequence of another vessel running on shore on the west side of the Island, she was the ship Hound from St Vincent for London laden with sugar, Rum & Cotton she struck about one o:clock of the first of this month but soon got off and were proceeding on their voyage, but found she made so much water were obliged again to stand for the land, & fortunate for them they had not proceeded far, for in less than half an hour she went down in about twenty five feet of water consequently her Decks are covered and all the sugar lost, the Rum is saved, and so I hope will be the Cotton, the latter is but a small quantity.  I have brought to this Island one of your Schooners (the Bethel) laden with different articles & shall return for more as soon as she can be discharged which I hope will be tomorrow; this has been a troublesome wreck as she is about seven miles from the land & to leeward of the Island consequently we have been obliged for the last week to sleep on board that Boats, I rather think we shall be obliged to ship that Rum to England to prevent paying that Colonial duty, but that I have not been yet able to ascertain as I am but just landed and the mail boat sails immediately after the Packet, we are much in want of rain not been able as yet to plant much Corn. By The Percy Hale Captn Head who sailed the latter end of last month I shipped for you four Turtle a barrel of Arrow Root, a barrel of Cashew seeds, and a box of turtle shell which I hope will arrive safe as I was then engaged with the Spanish wreck & therefore fear no bill of lading has been forwarded
                                                                       I am
                     Your Most Obedient
                      Humble Servant
               (signed) John James

Reference: JJ271 Robson Lowe collection on microfilm 24995, University of Texas at Austin, Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection.