Saturday, 24 October 2015

17 Feb 1823

Clare Hall Feby 17th 1823
Your favor of 19th Decr reached me while I was at Barbuda, I have just returned in time to answer it as the eight day Boat is in sight, & her orders are not to anchor. Since my last we have been in want of rain, the cane on this Estate have improved but very little, yet I still think we shall make the number of Hogshead’s I wrote in my last, I have planted two pieces for the next Crop, & have the whole of the land intended for the next Crop ready to plant in succession; we shall now be preparing for provisions, you may rely that no expense that can possibly be avoided shall take place. I shall take a particular care to see that the seeds you mention are properly registered.  I find the answer to your Bill in Chancery against Blackburn has come out, but in an informal manner, I was apposite(?) to know if I would wave the informality which I decline doing, it is therefore sent back, & will I suppose return as soon as possible, I write to apply to your lawyer to know the particulars which I will send you, & shall be happy to know how I am to act in case it may be given against you by the Court.
We have been dry at Barbuda, have gotten the yams and Hay, and shall next week I hope get the Corn Harvested(?) the latter will I trust be a tolerable crop, but from being obliged to supply the greater part of it four times it is rather thin there is a good deal of land planted I have not yet been able to secede in disposing of Oxen.  I have bought ten fine ones to this Estate they were much wanted, we shall want as many more as the Estate is close to the Town two principal roads running through it, if they do well it may induce people to purchase but such is the times anything is bought like the very last extremity in haste. I remain
Your Most Obedient
(signed) John James

Reference: Gloucestershire Records Office, Microfilm no.351, Section no.6, D1610 C24