Saturday, 6 February 2016

05 May 1823

Clare Hall May 5th 1823
                In my last letter of 11th April I informed you that in consequence of your mentioning that the first sugars would probably bring a good price, I would ship by the two first vessels what I might have ready; I have therefore sent by the Glaphyra for London which will sail in a few days fifteen Hdds for when I enclose you are Bill of lading; I shall write Mr Trattle & send him by the Glaphyra a duplicate of the Bill of lading; also the list of the debt due. I had fifteen other Hdds ready for the Geo Hibbert as soon as she comes to St Johns, which will be in about ten days; but on their sugars I shall be under the absolute necessity of drawings some Bills; I have been very much pressed for the last two or three days for payments of some cash accounts some due last month, & some due three or four years back; but have refused until the sugars had sailed. Mr Eldridge has been very pressing, the amount of whose account you will see in the list I sent, it bears interest; I have therefore promised that he shall have a Bill by the next Packet, the Overseers must also be paid in Cash, Sugars for Cash will sell him for next to nothing, I have only been offered four Dollars equal to about 18 shillings Sterling per hundred weight, which price I have refused to part with any; Rum, & Molasses are equally low, but I trust by & by in payment of the debts they shall bring something higher, in fact I will do the best I can. I have had two or three small accounts sent to me since I sent you the list of debts, together not amounting to one hundred pounds Currency, I shall purchase as little as possible this year. A few Boards & shingles we must have, what I may be obliged to purchase I will pay for immediately in produce.  I am happy to say the weather since my last has been pretty favorable for the next Crop, I hope it will continue.  All the Canes are planted except the pieces which have Provisions, these can only be planted as the Eddoes & Potatoes are taken out, and they will keep but a short time out of the Ground, but I trust we shall complete all by the end of this month.  I still think we shall fall very little if any thing short of the quantity of Sugar I mentioned in former letters.  And we shall fully complete the quantity of land for Canes & Provisions for next Crop.
  Mr. Osborn I am happy to say is much better but still unwell, I find he means to try the Benefit of a trip to Barbuda the next time I go there, which will be as soon as the Glaphyra sails; I left it on Wednesday last, we had had fine rains on Monday I had planted Corn & Potatoes & left them planting more.
  The Articles for the smiths shop are arrived & the House nearly finished, it will save much expence.  Mule Harness which amounted to a pretty large sum will be done in future at Barbuda, as well as many other Items which you will observe by a reference to the list of debts due.
                I remain
Your Most Obedt
(signed) John James

Reference: JJ275 Robson Lowe collection on microfilm 24995, University of Texas at Austin, Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection.