Friday, 2 September 2016

05 July 1823

Antigua July 5th 1823

                Inclosed you will receive a Bill of lading for eight Hdds of Sugar shipped on board the West Indian Brig, Cook Master, which ship left this port yesterday for London.

  These 8 Hdds are the only ones we have been able to make since my last letter, on account on the first Instance of calm weather, & since of a continuance of extreme heavy rains, more of which has fallen on this property,& generally throughout the Island than I have ever seen in a given time since I have been in this Country, I may even say for the present crop think is too much, but we must look forward to its paying us the next, as should have made more sugar but the bad (state?)of our roads would not admit of Carting the canes.  We have now about forty five Acres to take off which probably may make about 30 Hdds & which if the weather permits shell be ??? as fast as possible.  I would have suffered them to stay over as they were planted very late but on the current state of the weather our Cotton Crop for the next year would suffer and also prevent my planting the quantity of provisions needed we will therefore get on as fast as possible altho the sugar may not be as good as I could wish.

  I returned from Barbuda last week we have had an equal share of rain there, and I trust we shall have a large proportion of provisions planted, after this month I mean to take up my residence on that Island till after the Hurricane months.

  I hope if the present rains continue Antigua will make as large Crop next year, and that working Oxen will be in demand, we have a great number fit for sale; what I brought to this Estate have turned out well, without them I would have done ????  I have offered the pick of any Oxen on the Estate for sale which may be a means of getting rid of Barbuda Oxen.  Beef Cattle I can get little or nothing for I have sold a few ?? Cows at one shilling per pound formerly they fetched ??? this is the best price I can get & therefore must continue it, by the West Indian I forwarded to Mr. Trattle a duplicate of the Bill of Lading for the above mentioned sugar

                                                                I remain
Sir Your Most Obedient
(signed) John James


Reference: Gloucestershire Records Office, Microfilm no.351, Section no.6, D1610 C24