Sunday, 8 February 2015

14 Jan 1823

Clare Hall Jany 14th 1823
  It is with much pleasure I now inform you the weather has been such for some time back that the Canes in this Estate have improved beyond all expectation particularly on the higher Lands; but they will be very late we cannot begin(?) for the next two months when I first came here it was the general opinion that the Estate could not make twenty Hdds (Hogheads)  I may now venture to say we shall at least make Eighty, & I hope the manure and lime I am now bringing from Barbuda will soon get the Estate in good Heart, the vessel is employed in this work when not engaged for your windward Estates. The George Hibbert with the stores for this Estate arrived here last week.
  The weather at Barbuda has also been good and I trust we shall have a good supply of Guinea Corn. The demand for Cattle is extremely dull; I have offered Oxen at one half they formally sold for, Mr Osborn yesterday informed me he could buy the best Oxen in this Island for twenty pounds currency per Head, he must have some for this Estate to enable us to get the manure to it, and I have some idea of sending the very poor to Barbuda to fatten.  Having been at Barbuda during the Xtmas I have not been able to get an exact list of the Debts due in this Island sent by this Packet but as soon as it can be accurately made out it shall be sent for your instructions. I remain
Your Most Obedient Humble
(signed) John James

Reference: Gloucestershire Records Office, Microfilm no.351, Section no.6, D1610 C24

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