Sunday 10 November 2013

8 August 1810

Barbuda August 8th 1810

  The salvage for the sloop Unicorn has been settled, the Gross amount of the sales is £1570. 15 the Magistrates have awarded you one third which is £523. 11. 8 but you will have to pay out of it £50 the hire of a Drougher that took over part of the Cargo, as well as some Lighterage; the reason of these being hired was, that, the wreck happened at a time when the Fleet was about sailing and when Mr Hodge was a good deal pressed & therefore required the Island vessels to get your Sugar down in time; the amount of the salvage I presume has been paid on this to Mr Martin.
  The Island quarters accounts to 30th June I have left in Antigua to be forwarded to you by the Packet, the Balance of which is £1854. 11. 11 ½, the greatest part of which I have paid Mr Martin and I have no doubt but the whole is paid by this time, as I left the very particular directions Mr Boadley the agent to do it.
  I have great pleasure in forming you that since my last we have had some very good rains particularly within the last week, in consequence of which the whole of the Yams are now in the Ground, and are doing well. I have also planted about 150 Acres with Cotton, one half of which is Now Land, and is looking as well as I could wish, the other half is in Land that has been cleared some years, and I fear from its present parents will not succeed, unless the weather continues to be favourable, however if the Cultivation is found to answer, I shall be unable to get if sufficient quantity of good Land cleared for another season. The stock over every description, from the great abundance of Pasture, all over the Island, are in as good condition as could be wished for; we have had a much larger quantity of Calves this season than I ever remember. The remainder of the last years yams I have now been able to dispose of, Admiral Cochrane has bought them at 12 (shilling symbol) per 112 lbs(?) for the Navy, a schooner sailed from this yesterday with 39 thousand weight.
  I have sent to Antigua four Green Turtle, & three Barrels of Cashew Nuts to be forwarded to you by a ship belonging to Mr Trattle, and Sam which will sail I understand in a few days.
                                                                                              I have the honor to be
                                                                                                your most obedt. humble servant
                                                                                             (signed) John James

Reference: Gloucestershire Records Office, Microfilm no.351, Section no.6, D1610 C24
Accessed through Simon Fraser University library

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